Latin Lovers – 5 Ways to Keep the Love Alive

If you’ve read about the Garner Family’s growing love of Latin, then you’ll know that the journey was not without a few difficulties.  We were actually Homeschool Latin Dropouts, then spent a year searching for the right program, before we found and began to thrive on the curriculum produced by Memoria  Press. If you’re familiar with Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility then you know that Mr. Willoughby was a great deal of fun, and implied a deep passion for Marianne.  Marianne’s other suitor, Colonel Brandon, was a little older, a little more reserved, yet his love was built on a … Continue reading Latin Lovers – 5 Ways to Keep the Love Alive

Lavamus, it’s not what you think…

 A creative illustration found in The  Daughter’s Memoria Press Workbook.   So, I said, “What’s wrong with this picture?” And she said, “Mus indicates the pronoun “we,” not moose.” Then I replied,  “Right. So what’s wrong with the picture?” After which she retorted, “I don’t think the artistic quality of my cartoons should be evaluated by whether or not they follow the rules of Latin grammar.” (fyi –lavare is the Latin verb “to wash”)   Continue reading Lavamus, it’s not what you think…